Thursday, May 28, 2020

10 Steps to Build an Effective Mobile Career Site

10 Steps to Build an Effective Mobile Career Site Mobile recruitment is on the rise 27% of job seekers expect to be able to apply for a position via a mobile device. Here are my best practices for recruiters using mobile: 1)  Prioritize seamless integration: To successfully engage with candidates your company’s mobile experience must fit seamlessly into your mobile recruiting process and across all channels. Any time an applicant feels a disconnect in the process, you can be sure they will abandon their search. Additionally, one unified system ensures a single source of truth for compliance reporting and offers complete feedback to improve your hand and attract great talent. 2)  Remove  browsing pain points: Job browsing never stops, so it’s critical that your mobile career site is accessible and easy to browse. Make sure your mobile site isn’t just a recreation of your desktop site.  Understand exactly what information mobile seekers want to see and deliver that information. Reduce the number of clicks and scrolls to make it easy for the applicant to apply to your company. A candidate on a mobile device will not click through 10 pages to apply, so stick to a 4-click maximum. And remember, more times than not, mobile users will research in private, but they want to browse on-the-go. 3)  Expand your horizons: Perhaps you don’t have an opening that is an exact match to a particular job seekers’ skill set, however, they are interested in your company. It’s important to make it easy for these candidates to join your talent pool, so you can reach out to them when opportunities arise. Place access to the network in an easy to find location and make it easy for job seekers to provide their information. 4)  Understand your audience: All website owners track data that tells them who is coming, where they are coming from, what types of devices they’re using, how much time is being spent on each page, etc. Use all the data in your toolkit to deliver a mobile career site that provides candidates with the information they require.  Like a marketer, your goal on your career site is to get someone to complete your form (submit their resume). If you have too many barriers in place, your candidates will abandon the page. Utilize data to uncover the point at which they may be abandoning your site, so you can make necessary changes.  Understand the types of devices they are using, so you can tailor the apply process as well. And understand what information they are looking at, so you can reduce unconsumed content and beef up content of interest. 5) Harness the power of referral tracking: Make sure you can easily track employee referrals through the mobile apply process. READ MORE: Why Employee Referrals are the Best Source of Hire 6) Remove  bottlenecks between candidates and information: Your mobile site needs to be a lightweight application that quickly loads and provides applicants easy access to the information they are interested in. Keep the apply process online and allow your candidates to complete the apply process directly from their device.  Some sites take candidates through the first part of the process on mobile, and then ask candidates to email their resume.  This breaks the process and creates a barrier between the candidate and the job they are after. Additionally, if you do not optimize your site for mobile viewing, pages may take too long to load, leverage technologies that devices may not support, etc.  This will create a poor user experience and your candidate will abandon the page. 7) Brand, brand, brand: What makes your company unique or stand out?  Why would a candidate be interested in joining your company?  Play up your brand and make sure candidates have an opportunity to understand who you are, what you do, and why they should care.  Showcase your company culture and teams to keep both top of mind for the candidate. 8) Make applying easy: Make it easy for candidates to apply by keeping clicks to a minimum. As with marketing, you get drop off with each click, so be sure to think through the overall process and make sure candidates can quickly apply to your company 9)  Simplify the process: Allow candidates to upload resumes directly from the devices they use most, such as their Android devices, Apple devices, Box, LinkedIn, and more. The simpler the process the better the engagement; parse the data provided by applicants to automatically fill in fields, so your candidate doesnt need to. This saves the applicant time and energy â€" both of which motivate potential candidates to apply to your company. 10) Create a new experience: Don’t simply recreate your desktop experience. Understand what mobile candidates are looking for and make it available in highly relevant bite-sized pieces of content. Author: Dan Finnigan is CEO of Jobvite.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Dear MBA Applicant

Dear MBA Applicant Whether you’re fresh from your undergrad or pondering a return to school after a decades-long hiatus, getting a Master’s of Business Administration is a big commitment. Even full-time programs take two years, while part-time ones last three or more years depending on course load. However, it can also be a smart career move that results in higher pay, better positions, and more opportunities. If you do decide to embark on this journey, here are a few words of advice to keep in mind: Don’t overdo it â€" You might be drawn to a full-time or accelerated program so you can be finished faster, but with such an intense program, you may enroll only to find yourself floundering half a semester in. Play it safe and start with a course load that you know you can handle. You’ll save your personal (and possibly professional) life, plus you’ll get more out of the classes you do take since you’ll be able to concentrate on them and actually absorb the information. Network â€" An MBA program isn’t just a place to learn new information; it can also be a place to meet new people, who may end up being valuable business contacts down the road. You’ll be exposed to people in industries and concentrations that you may never have otherwise, so take the opportunity to make connections. Even if you’re a full-time student and not currently working, print out business cards with your name and contact information to exchange with other students. Pick the right program â€" MBAs come in all shapes and sizes. In addition to full-time programs, many schools offer part-time, distance learning, accelerated and even executive programs tailored to meet the specific needs of different types of students. Whichever you choose, be sure it’s the right one for your schedule and your experience level. Don’t assume you’ll have a job right out of school â€" While most MBAs have no problem finding employment, you should never expect to get a great-paying position the day you graduate. In fact, it’s usually not advisable to take the first position that comes your way. Plan ahead so you can take the time to find a job that’s the right fit and that offers opportunities befitting your newly acquired education. Branch out â€" Your concentration may be marketing, but that doesn’t mean you can zone out during financial classes. Treat every course like it is integral to your professional survival, because one day it actually might be. You may also want to pick electives that don’t exactly match your field, but may complement it and give you a more well-rounded education. You’re paying for the tuition, so get your money’s worth. Whether you’re concentrating on finance, marketing, IT, or any other subject, your MBA is only as good as you make it, and by following the advice above, you can help get the most out of your experience. Diving into an MBA program may be laborious, but like many difficult tasks, the rewards are sure to be well worth the work. Are you thinking about an MBA program? What are your concerns and if youve already been through it, what advice can you add? Have a great week!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Time Management and Work Life Balance Tips [Interview]

Time Management and Work Life Balance Tips [Interview] Today in my networking challenge I am interviewing ChaChanna Simpson. ChaChanna is a motivational speaker and small business and life coach for women entrepreneurs at her company, Your Stellar Star. I am so excited to share her  time management and work life balance tips, so thank you ChaChanna! In case you are reading this at work and can’t watch the video, you can read all of the great time management and work life balance tips below instead! 1) What are your time management strategies and how can we complete all of our tasks in our day? I like to talk about managing yourself better than managing your tasking. I think it is more that we know what we do, but we just dont do it.  When you have the excuse of you dont have enough time, 1) when multi-tasking is multi-failing. We put so many things on our plate because we want to get everything done.  The internet has trained us that we have to get everything done now.  But, you cant get it all done and you arent really focusing on anything. So instead pick the top things that you can focus on. We also underestimate the time that something is going to take us. If you dont limit the time of the project, it will take the entire day.  So block out time and do the project from this time to this time and dont put anything else on in the Internet.  Also, think of the top three things that you need to get done each day and focus on those. The other tip is especially for women, we have a tendency to let other peoples priorities come before ours because we want to help everybody. Many times we help other people that we dont have enough time remaining to get our own jobs done. Sometimes, that can become a pattern because someone else can start expecting you to always help them.As women, we are afraid to say no sometimes because we dont want to hurt other peoples feelings. But, they will be fine. You have to get your stuff done so just say no. There are also a lot of tasks that will be in your daily tasks that you just hate. If you dont want to do it, just take it off your list. Sometimes we think that just because we put it on our list, we have to get it done but you dont. If it isnt going towards your professional or personal goals, drop it. Its OK, just drop it. Also, at the beginning of the week, I list the things I want to accomplish for that week. I have primary tasks, which are things that I must do, secondary tasks are not that important yet, but they will be and then I have ongoing tasks which happen every week and I have personal tasks so you dont forget about yourself such as doing yoga or reading a book or something fun. [Related Post:  Time Management: 7 Ways To Simplify Your Life To Grow Your Business] 2) How can we recognize the signs of burnout and how can we eliminate burnout? When I talk about burnout, I equate it with Superwoman. The workshop that I do is called Superwoman is Dead. I call it that because we like to be everything and do everything for everyone. BUT, even Superwoman wasnt Superwoman. She would have her powers for a certain amount of time and then they would go away. So why are we killing ourselves and trying to do everything? In organizations, sometimes there are only a few who are doing the work of the many and that can be really annoying. But you have to let go and let someone else do it. When women suffer from the Superwoman complex, it is really self-inflicted. Your body will tell you when you are burning out. You will start to have headaches, physical ailments, colds, flu, and you will get sleepless and depressed. So if you think you can just work through it, your body will shut down.  It can affect your relationships and is not a good thing so if you are suffering try to relax. What you can do is start saying no and sit back. Also, come up with a morning practice that works for you instead of jumping out of bed and going to your to-do list. Wake up 15 minutes earlier and just lay there. Sit and prepare for the day and do meditation and enjoy the quiet for 15 minutes. Also, pick up a hobby or creative outlet to express yourself.  You can change your eating and exercise habits can help you as well. 3) How can we  build up your self-confidence so we can create the stellar life that we deserve? Sometimes people are uncomfortable around you when you are confident and they dont know what to do around you.  Sometimes confidence is mistaken for being full of yourself but I really work hard to tell my clients that it is good to have confidence and high self-esteem. Self-confidence is having belief in your talents and your abilities and if you dont believe it, how is someone else going to believe it? Especially in your career, you have to be able to sell yourself. We need to put ourselves on the forefront and because men have no problem walking into a room and telling you how great they are.  When women walk into a room, we will be quiet, meek, we wont talk about our skills. Start tracking and celebrating your wins. It doesnt have to be life changing but we all have little wins throughout the day. Write down how your life was 1-3 years ago. And then write how it is now and how you have changed and how your life has changed positively. It may not change the world right now, but you are on track to changing your world. There are wins that you have that need to be celebrated and recognized. I also create a win folder and I collect things that motivate me. Also, ask your friends what they like and admire about you because we never see ourselves how other people see us. Write down what they say in your journal. And start saying thank you when someone compliments you! 4) What are your tips for starting a business while working full-time? Dont quit and jump into the business.  If you have never run a business before, it is going to take time to grow and when you dont have money coming in, it can become extremely stressful. When you are starting your business, getting your time management together is a top priority. It is important that you make time to relax otherwise you are going to be really stressed out and that doesnt make a good business person at all. Also, know what your goal is for your business. Is it just to do it part-time or to eventually make the leap from employee to entrepreneur? Until you know your destination, it is hard to figure out how to get there. I call it the stellar life vision, what does your business and life look like when it is as amazing as it is going to be? Figure out how you really want your life to be, not just your business but in your health, your finances and your relationships. Also, know who your clients are.  Many people who start a business think that everyone is a client. But, everyone cannot be your client.  There are clients there specifically just for you and you have to know where to find them and how to talk to them and you have to know what they want. Many times business owners give their clients what they thought they wanted and needed but they are completely wrong. I teach my clients to do surveys instead of guessing and being completely wrong. Also, have financial goals. If you dont have a number, how are you going to know when you hit your goal and how will you know what you need to do to get there? What products are you going to create?  How much do you need to charge? Also, have networking goals because networking is extremely important  From networking can come strategic alliances and referrals. I tell my clients to go to networking events twice and month and to work on following up. So build that foundation so that when you do take that leap, you can be successful. 5) This question I ask at the end of all of my interviews, what do you wish you would have known when you were a young professional woman just starting out in her career? I wish I would have known that the career I started in didnt necessarily have to be the career I stopped with.  I was really stressed when I started out because I picked this plan and it wasnt working and I didnt really like it as much as I thought I would. I didnt really know that I could be flexible. I wish I would have known that I could have left that path earlier and gone on and done something else. There is freedom in your career and you dont have to stick with one career.  You can be so many things, you dont have to stick with any one career. 6) If people want to learn more about you where can they find you online? You can stalk ChaChanna at so many places!  The main place is at my website, Your Stellar Star  or Twitter. What work life balance tips from the interview are you going to implement?

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Give Yourself A Fighting Chance In Applying To Be A Teaching Assistant

Give Yourself A Fighting Chance In Applying To Be A Teaching Assistant Competition for teaching assistant (TA) positions is fiercer than ever, there’s no question about that. Plucky young graduates, desperate to get onto PGCE courses are snapping up teaching assistant positions left, right and centre, blowing applicants without existing TA training out of the water â€" I know, I’ve been pipped to the post on TA jobs myself! photo credit: Jiuck via photopin cc There are two main ways of going about getting the training that you need. You can train full-time or part-time; you can train at a specialist education institution, or you can even train from the comfort of your own home. There’s really no excuse not to get training to expand your skill-set and show those graduates who’s boss. College training courses The UCAS website ( shows that there are just 30 courses available at 28 colleges spread throughout the UK. Colleges vary on how they offer their teaching courses (whether they are full or part-time), and also what their particular course emphasises based on the expertise of their tutors. They also vary on their requirements in terms of work experience â€" whether they require it at all, how much experience they require and so on. You’ll have to dig through the courses on offer and see which college offers the right course for you. Though unless you’re lucky enough to find that your local college is offering the exact course that you want, chances are, you’ll have to move to a new city. Distance learning courses This is where specialist distance learning colleges come in. More often than not, no qualifications are needed to start courses with distance learning colleges, lowering the bar for entry. In addition, they tend to offer a number of TA courses, including courses that would allow you to train as a specialised teaching assistant, for example a TA trained to work with special educational needs. Distance learning courses tend to be more competitive in their pricing than traditional college or university courses, and can be available through interest-free payment plans. You won’t have to move, and you won’t have to worry about timetables and deadlines in quite the same way as you would on a full-time course â€" allowing you to fit your training in around childcare commitments, or a job you already have. The only problem you might encounter is choosing which college to approach â€" the number of companies willing to offer teaching assistant training through distance learning is daunting, to say the least, so you might have quite a research job ahead of you. Though this is true of training through colleges, too. I ended up choosing a company called Stonebridge UK , but you might find another college that better suits your needs. So, which should I choose? College training appeals to some, distance learning appeals to others. Finances aside, the difference between the two offerings is structure versus flexibility. Distance learning courses offer greater flexibility in terms of when you work in the day, how generous you want your deadlines to be, and they give you the luxury of working in the comfort of your own home. However, some people actively benefit from the structure and deadlines of a traditional college experience â€" it can keep them focused and on task. Take time making your decision and make sure to choose what works best for you. That way, you might end up enjoying your training as much as you will the final job! 0

Thursday, May 14, 2020

5 Ways to Create a More Inclusive and Supportive Workplace

5 Ways to Create a More Inclusive and Supportive Workplace Photo Credit â€" Pexels.comCreating a work environment that is inclusive and where everyone can get the support that they want is one of the biggest challenges that human resources management of any organization faces. This is usually more common among multinational organizations or companies that have modified their hiring practices to reach out to a larger and diverse talent pool.Though such companies have gained a competitive edge in terms of human resources, the challenge lies in the ability to keep these resources happy. Nowadays, in most human resource management courses, there are topics related to managing a diverse workplace.A workplace is a happy and successful one when all of the employees see themselves as being a part of the company’s overall goals and find support in building their career.evalHR management should keep in mind that the environment of any organisation reflects the success of a company. This is why one can see top companies like Google and Microsoft work towards fulfilling an environment where everyone feels supportive and inclusive.Here are some of the ways that HR management can achieve it:1) It starts with the hiring processevalThe first step in creating an inclusive work environment is to be inclusive in the hiring process. The company should be seen as an organization that is not tendentious when it comes to hiring the right candidates, no matter his race, religion or the place he comes from.This policy will not only help the organization to have the best talents in the industry but also help in creating a balanced and inclusive workplace, where everyone feels associated.2) Build the company’s identity around those intentionsThere should be well-written guidelines or policies to establish the company’s intentions of being an inclusive organization.When HR lays down the rules and policies it gives the employees and idea that the company is serious about proving itself as an inclusive and supportive one.Try to make diversity a brand identity for the organization by promoting employees from different walks of life to get a chance to prove their mettle on the same platform. Also, it shows the world that an organization completely supports the idea. HR management can also use a good Public Relations The passion for building an inclusive workplace should not limit to HR only. Everyone should be passionate about working towards the greater cause. For that, create an internal support team that can help in getting the message to all the employees. It should also be able to handle any related problems that may arise.4) Make it a long-term investmentFor an organization to be truly inclusive, the work should be a continuous one and HR should take it as a long-term activity. The HR management should make necessary plans and strategies to make it a success in the long run. Make sure the policies allow that and create a road map that will allow for long-term improvements as well.eval5) Include all employees in soci al activitiesWhenever there are any social activities or team outings, remember to include everyone as much as possible. There should not be any area where it looks like there is groupism or bias. This will destroy all the work that HR has started.There are a lot of perks of being an inclusive organization with diversity being one of the building blocks of a dynamic team. This will also help out to reach a more diverse customer base and reach out to different markets easily.evalOrganizations can train the HRs to help them understand the benefits of an inclusive workplace; there are various training and online HR management courses that will help in this area.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

If you ever find yourself saying... - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog

If you ever find yourself saying... - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog There are some negative phrases weve heard so often at work, that we may suddenly find ourselves saying them. They represent a frame of mind that is cynical, despondent, helpless and victimized. Research shows that what we say reinforces what we think. Say something often enough, and it becomes how you see the world. Thats why we have to watch out for these pessimistic phrases. If you ever find yourself saying them, stop and ask yourself if it actually represents the truth or if maybe its more of an automatic verbal uttering. Some pessimistic phrases to avoid Heres a partial list of phrases to watch for. Do you know any that belong on the list? Its not my dream job, but its only for a year ONLY A YEAR? Dont you realize that a year is 12 months? 200 working days? 1600 hours? Say this instead: Its not the ideal job, so I didnt take it. Hes a jerk, but he gets results! Yeah, HE gets results everybody else gets demotivated, bullied, harassed and stressed. Go read The No Asshole Rule by Bob Sutton. And his excellent blog. Say this instead: Hes a jerk, so we fired him! Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Murphys law. The safe haven for pessimists everywhere. Too bad it aint true. Say this instead: Things may go wrong then we fix them! My boss doesnt motivate me. Listen: No boss ever motivated a single employee in the history of employment. Motivation is an emotion your motivation exists inside you, and youre in charge of it. Say this instead: I motivate me. I hate my job but so does everyone else. Hating your job may be a common enough thing today but so is adult onset diabetes. That doesnt mean you dont do something about it! Say this instead: I hated my job. So I got a new one. or I hated my job, so I fixed it. Theres no such thing as a free lunch Except that there is. Plenty. The world is a generous, forgiving and nurturing place, and sometimes you get exactly what you need exactly when you need it.If youre open to it, that is. Say this instead: Can I buy you lunch? Whats wrong with people today?! If every single person you interact with seems incredibly annoying the problem may be you. Say this instead: Hmmm I seem to be easily annoyed today. Im stuck in a dead-end job. Riiight. Youre stuck. Theres no way out. Because three men in ski-masks show up every morning and force you to go to work at gunpoint. Say this instead: I am where Ive chosen to be! And if I want, I can choose to be somewhere else. Lets not get carried away! WHAT?! There is nothing better than being carried away by a great idea, nice people, a fun meeting or a good conversation. Say this instead: This is wonderful! Its too good to be true! Funny how you never hear people saying This is too bad to be true. Say this instead: This is great. I love it! Whats the catch? Sometimes there just aint no catch. Say this instead: Thank you! You cant trust people. Nonsense. Most people are nice, honest and loyal. Are you gonna treat them badly because of the tiny percentage of cheaters? Say this instead: People are great! The worst thing about these sayings, is that if you keep repeating them, you make it so. If that is how you see the world, then your choices, your speech and your actions will reinforce this view. Thats why its worth replacing them with something more true. What about you got any more pessimistic workplace sayings we can flush out and replace? If you enjoyed this post, Im pretty sure youll also like these: Four Fantastic Phrases at Work Make Love Not War at Work How to Handle Chronic Complainers Thanks for visiting my blog. If you're new here, you should check out this list of my 10 most popular articles. And if you want more great tips and ideas you should check out our newsletter about happiness at work. It's great and it's free :-)Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related

Friday, May 8, 2020

Resume Writing Consultant for Healthcare Professionals

Resume Writing Consultant for Healthcare ProfessionalsIf you're in the market for a resume writing consultant for healthcare professionals, here are a few pointers. Having a professional resume should be top priority; especially for new nurses and doctors.The best thing you can do is check out some of the non-professional resume writers online. You'll probably find many resources on how to write a resume for these professions. On the internet you'll also find some great advice on choosing a resume format, and this can help you make a good decision. When you select a consultant, it's vital that you do your homework and consider the background of the company.Resume writing consultants are likely to offer various types of services that will benefit you. It's worth checking into these various services to see which service may be right for you. For example, if you need help with language or English, a language translator could be a very useful service for you.Other services such as transl ation can also be helpful to an ideal candidate. Keep this in mind before you make your decision on a resume writing consultant for healthcare professionals.This next bit of advice is all about choosing a resume writing consultant for healthcare professionals. Look for a company that has been in business for many years, and is worth the price you are paying.If they're a little bit expensive, you should look for them to have a basic education in what they do. Try to find someone who has previous experience with healthcare professionals. A simple conversation with someone who has worked with a resume writing consultant for healthcare professionals can help you decide whether or not you want to hire someone like this.There are others ways to screen for this person. If you know someone who has hired a resume writing consultant for healthcare professionals, that person can give you a detailed list of recommendations.In the end, it's a service you should look into. A qualified and reputab le resume writing consultant for healthcare professionals is worth the money.